How’s your self-care?

Let’s start with elementary arithmetic. A day comprises only 24 hours. On average, sleeping takes 8 hours and there are also work and family hours to be taken into account. Not much time remains for ourselves. Finding time for recreation, entertaining and relaxing, still needs to be considered. If not, we burn out or lead lives that are incomplete and unfulfilling. Here are a few things you as an entrepreneur can do to practice self-care in spite of a busyness.

Start your day well. Avoid starting the day looking at email or social media message. Try a grounded approach, such as prayer, reflection, or some stretches. This can be followed by coffee or breakfast. The key is to start the day building up yourself before pouring out to others.

Take a break. It’s very easy to start the hustle and don’t break until you collapse behind the door home. We need to be able to dial back during the day and not run on frenzy. How about taking the time to have your allotted lunchtime, undisturbed by calls, emails, or any type of work? It may be hard to take a short break in the day with all the demands on you, but at some time you must eat, right? Then let that be a time to relax and nourish yourself, if on for half an hour.

Get help. Sometimes we pile our plates too high. It’s good to have a plan on what the day or week should play out, but the reality is even the best-laid plans go awry. Don’t beat yourself up. If you find you’re consistently not meeting timelines, perhaps you should look at shortening your list or getting additional help.

At Paperclip, we work with businesses and entrepreneurs in need of extra help. Talk to us.